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This is the Way

This is the Way

May the Fourth be with you 🪐⚡️✨

Shake 1/2 oz lime juice, 2 oz rum (I used the delicious organic dark rum from Humboldt Distillery), 1/2 oz simple syrup (I used the keto-friendly syrup from Swoon; use 3/4 oz for a sweeter drink), 1/2 oz fresh grapefruit juice, 1 large sprig of fresh mint (slap it between your hands before adding to the shaker to bring out the flavour), 1/2 oz cranberry juice (I used Biotta), 1 to 2 dashes of tiki bitters (optional—I used Bittermens Elemakule bitters) and shake with ice. Serve over ice and garnish with mint or any green things you have around the house 🌿🍹

To make it non-alcoholic replace the rum with Seedlip Spice 94 & leave out the bitters✨

Vegan, gluten-free, paleo

Cinco de Mayo

Cinco de Mayo

Bright Eyed

Bright Eyed