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Green With Envy

Well, aren’t you? 🙃🍹

Shake 3 oz of your fav green juice (I made my green juice using the green bell pepper, cucumber, cilantro, ginger, lime, celery and apples I got in my Imperfect Foods box 🎉) with 1/2 oz mezcal (I used the organic Cráneo mezcal from 123 Tequila), 1 1/2 oz tequila (I used the blanco tequila from 123 Tequila), 2 dashes of spicy tincture (optional, you can muddle jalapeño as well. I used the firewater tincture from Scrappy’s Bitters) and shake with ice. Adjust for sweet:sour balance of the green juice—you can add lime juice if too sweet or simple syrup/agave if too sour. Serve over ice and garnish with cilantro or lime 🌱

Est. 185 calories, 5 g sugar, 0g fat, gluten-free, vegan, paleo & keto 🍹

Veiled Crescent

Veiled Crescent

Fortune Teller

Fortune Teller